Originally Posted By: BrentD
Originally Posted By: Run With The Fox
William Tecumseh Sherman set the mold for later villains in wartime: Hitler, Himmler, Stalin, Tojo, Chairman Mao-- No war has any degree of civility in its battle plan-- The "War of Northern Aggression" left scars upon our land, whether North of South of the Mason-Dixon line, that still exist today-- RWTF

Sounds much like the "War of Southern Stupidity". Let's not go there either.

I still say that if James Watt had been an American, we'd have freed the slaves twenty years before the War Between the States due to obsolescence. But he wasn't and the southern economy was still dependent upon slave labor.

Southern secession was the result of northern insistence upon the federal 'right' to dictate abolition to the south. If the south had not seceded and fought an ill fated war over the right to withdraw, the southern economy would still have collapsed for 50 years due to the loss of labor.

Your knowledge of history may be better than my own...Geo

See lonesome, I can re-fight the civil war with the rest of'em.