Well Said Stan.

When Lincoln said "That Government of the People, By the People & For the People Shall Not Perish From the Land" that was the Biggest "LIE" that ever passed through two lips, with the possible exception of when the Serpent told Eve "Thou Shalt Not surely Die"

Lincoln did more than any other President we have ever had to take the Government Away from "The People" & put it in the hands of a despotic Central Government. His so-called Emancipation Proclamation was a total Farce & was nothing but a Military & Political Tactic. M Militarily it was a total Flop, Politically it helped get him re-elected & subsequently Assassinated.

One might assume that all those who think the South had no right to remove themselves from the United States Government are still flying & honoring the Union Jack. Obviously, they are firmly of the opinion that no people have the right to change who Governs them.

I Didn't Say Everything I Said, Yogi Berra