Originally Posted By: Stan
Clear the air here, Brent. Were you implying, when you referred to your so-called "War of Southern Stupidity", that all Southerners who participated in it were stupid?


Not at all. There are lots of stupid wars that are started by stupid people but other, not so stupid, people have to die in them.

There is a pretty good case to say that the Vietnam war was stupid. I don't consider Vietnam vets to be stupid at all. One is an especially smart guy and best friend and shooting partner of mine. But the war? Maybe so. I don't think much of Iraq 1.0 and I damn sure don't think Iraq 2.0 was a smart war. In fact quite the opposite. And I have not a single hard feeling for the people that have fought in them, died in them, been wounded or came home unscathed from them. I do, however, hold a few politicians in great contempt for them and I consider Iraq 2.0 especially stupid. I hope that doesn't offend anyone but you are asking about this topic, so there it is.

But to this specific war, the fact it that the title "The War of Northern Aggression" whether you think it a fitting proper name or not, is offensive to many and it is INTENDED to be offensive. And yet when someone responds to it in kind, suddenly the response, but not the initial declaration is singled out as a travesty and everyone's panties get knotted. Some much more than others.

Exactly WHY people feel the need to refight this war (and I do think it was a STUPID war, but that's my opinion), I do not know. It might be a sign of stupidity, now that I think about it. I suspect General Robert E. Lee might have agreed with me had we been able to discuss this in private back in the day.

In the meantime, I know my father did not fight in it. My grandfathers did not fight in it. My GREAT grandfathers did not fight in it. My GREAT, GREAT grandfathers potentially could have fought in it, but I have no idea of who they were and I'm doubtful most, if any of them, were on this continent at that time. But mostly, I think that war has been over for a long time.

And I'm damn sure it is best that it stays that way.

I'm also damn sure, it has nothing to do with the subject of this thread, the topic of this forum, or anything remotely connected to topics that are relevant to this thread or forum.

And there you have it Stan. I hope that clears the air. At least for you.

BrentD, (Professor - just for Stan)

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