I can't speak for Stan, but will speak for "ME".
There are parts of this last post I agree with & parts I disagree with.
I do agree the war was "Stupid", I just happen to disagree with which side played the Stupid part.

I also disagree with "I think that war has been over for a long time". That war has never ended & it's not all on the part of the South.

Just recently the City of Memphis TN sold two city parks for $1,000 each. I do not personally know the value of these parks but suspect they ran into the $Millions". They sold them on the Sly, with no input from the public of that city, even though they were public property. Why were they Sold? One of them was the burying place of N B Forrest & his Wife Mary & also had a statue of Forrest on it. TN State Law prohibits a Municipality from disturbing a historical monument. It was sold to a "Private" buyer & within a week under cover of darkness & with City Police protection the statue was removed. Plans are underway for Exhuming & removing the bodies of Forrest & his wife. Forrest descendants along with the SCV now has filed a lawsuit against the city to the tune of 3 Million Dollars So you may say this is, in fact, a Southern City. Totally Correct, but it is the influence of more than 1150 years of Northern Lies concerning the South which brought this on.

So you may say, Forrest was a slave trader. True, but during his time of that profession it was both Legal & Constitutional. If Both men's life & statements are studied it becomes quite clear Nathan Bedford Forrest, actually held the Black Race at a higher level & in more Esteem for them, than Did Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln flatly stated that Black People were inferior to Whites, & could never live as equals in the same nation with whites, he simply wanted them deported from the USA.

Forrest told a Black Organization shortly after the war, which was more or less a for-runner of the NAACP that they could be Whatever they wanted to be, Doctors, Lawers or any other occupation they chose & Which they "Were Willing to Work For".

You won't read that in any School History book, too much actual history has been Hidden away, all for the p[urpose of Justifying Lincolns Unconstitutional invasion of the South, in the name of Slavery. Lincoln did not free a single slave he had any authority to free. He, of course, had no authority to free those which he stated to be free in his Emancipation Proclamation.

In fact, he stated i9n that proclamation he had no authority to free slaves in the USA, Except in those states in Rebellion. He, in fact, was playing both sides of the fence. Whether he recognized those states as a part of the USA or as another Nation, he had no authority Either Way.

I do totally agree this has nothing to do with 2" chambered guns. RWTF did throw out a little comment concerning Sherman & other Villians which I did not respond to. I give "YOU" full credit for sidetracking this thread, From your comment about the Stupidity of the South, it's obvious the War has not ended for you either.

I Didn't Say Everything I Said, Yogi Berra