Originally Posted By: 2-piper

One question I would like to see answered, "IF" the only issue of this war was to "Free the Slaves" WHY was Lincoln so Dead Set against allowing the Black People to join the army & help fight their own Battle? Think extremely deep on that one before you answer, less you stick your foot so deep in your mouth you won't ever be able to get it out!

The Civil War was never about freeing the slaves, at least not as most people think of it. The cause was purely political, same as most wars. The southern democrats decided to secede because the northern republicans were pushing for new states who wanted to enter the Union to abolish slavery before being able to enter, thus diminishing the power (i.e. congressional votes) of their political rivals in the south.

Once secession was declared and war broke out, the north (The United States) had no choice but to eliminate the threat to it's very survival. The existence of the Confederacy was not a benign entity, where everyone could just leave one another alone and live in harmony. From the very beginning the Confederacy was trying to ally itself with Britain, Emperor Maximilian of Mexico, or any other European power that would lend an ear. Allowing what was essentially a hostile government to exist, with potential foreign allies who were increasingly resistant to U.S. world influence, within marching distance of your capital would have been national suicide.

“I left long before daylight, alone but not lonely.”~Gordon Macquarrie