Before the turn of the 20th century, after noticing the grass being deflected far beyond his muzzle while target shooting, John Browning successfully converted a Winchester lever action rifle to fire full automatic in less than one day.

Ed McGivern was able to fire double action revolvers at a cyclic rate of 750 rounds per minute... a faster rate of fire than many machine guns.

There were several full-auto conversions of bolt action rifles to fire full-automatic, including the Pederson device (Springfield 1903, the Charleton (SMLE), the Huot (Ross)

A couple days ago, Brian related other ways full auto fire can be mimicked without use of a bump-fire stock. And it is highly unlikely that any criminals who own bump-fire stocks will now turn them in. Any terrorist or mentally ill criminal with access to a 3D Printer will be able to make one or more because the technology is still available.

The Las Vegas shooter was a multi-millionaire who passed numerous Background checks, and could have easily afforded to buy full auto firearms which would have been even worse for the victims. But nearly an identical number of people were killed in 2016 when a terrorist drove a 19 ton cargo truck into a crowd in Nice, France. Imagine the devastation and death toll if he had stolen a gasoline tanker truck rigged to explode.

Better to NEVER negotiate anything with the anti-gun Liberal Left, because they have stated their position against the private ownership of firearms in the U.S. The antis already show inaccurate videos and use deception to achieve their goals of disarming us. It is far better to expose that fact, and to demonstrate that there are many things that kill far more people annually than bump-fire stocks or AR15 type rifles... for instance, opiate overdoses kill 200 times as many Americans as all rifles annually, yet Liberal Democrats refuse to fund a Wall to secure the Southern Border from drug smuggling. But too many FUDD's would rather remain meek and silent until it is too late to fight back.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.