I've got some guns that will fire twice simultaneously with one muscle contraction of my hand. They are not machine guns. There are some of these guns that have been known to fire two shots simultaneously with one pull of the trigger. They are not machine guns.

It has long been known that a semi-auto rifle can be fired repeatedly by hooking one's thumb into a jean pocket or belt loop and having the recoil move the rifle back and forth pushing the trigger against thumb or finger. That is not a machine gun.

A device attached to the side of a semi-auto firearm that by means of a cam rotates continuously activating the trigger is not a machine gun.

A stock that is, for all intents and purposes, loosely attached to the action that allows the action to move back and forth firing as the action moves forward again is not a machine gun.

The average guy on the street who buys a gun and puts a bump stock on it is probably not going to hit what he's aiming at on the first shot much less any subsequent shots.

Bump stocks are not machine guns and never will be no matter how many times anyone says they are.

Also, I still have my doubts about the guy in Las Vegas. I think he was dead before the shooting rampage started. The range at which the shots were taken and the angle at which they were taken doesn't add up to the lethality of the shooting.
