The left is slowly chipping away at my rights and my money. Confiscatory tax rates, ever increasing taxes on property, constant backdoor attempts to limit my gun rights and the rights for due process is how they are trying to win.

The fact their supporters never worked hard enough to own anything of value gives them freedom to suggest that its only fair to take from the haves and give to the have nots. Well I did not see any of those SOBs working fulltime while paying for a college and graduate degree like I did. I did not see those SOBs working 60 hours a week for the first 17 years after school. I do sure see them licking their lips to get their hands on my assets to give away to their brain dead supporters.

Its only a matter of time when the minority doing the work gets tired of paying all the bills. When the baby boomer generation retires in 10-15 years the gravey train is done. Millennials and generation X &Z will never be able to carry the load onward. Then we will print money and be the United States of Venezuela.