Originally Posted By: rocky mtn bill
CB, I accept as factual that Trump did not collude with Russians. I admit I thought he was not above doing so. That he wasn't nailed here doesn't raise my opinion of him. He is a disaster of a president.

A disaster indeed Billy! Who wouldn't want to go back to higher taxes, stagnant wages, double digit annual increases in medical costs, chronically high unemployment as a "new normal", low GDP, corporations moving jobs overseas, unfair Trade Deals, unfettered illegal immigration, North Korea threatening to nuke Los Angeles, or ISIS taking over huge portions of the Middle East and beheading Infidels? Those were your Good Old Days Billy.

And let's not forget promises to infringe upon the rights of law abiding U.S. gun owners. Why, we would all be crazy to not want more of that crap. Or better yet Billy, how about some real election meddling that wouldn't cost $25 million to investigate, and come up empty?

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.