The thing most people do not realize, because they have been lied to for over 150 years concerning history, is the black Race was not looked upon any lower in the South than in the North. The South wanted the Black people there as slaves, The North simply wanted them "GONE". How many of you know that in the State of IL, until After Lincoln was Dead, a black person was prohibited from owning property in at least most of the state. My Wife can "Personally" remember when she was a young girl a black family purchased (Or Rented) a house in a small town in Franklin County IL. They moved most of their furniture, except their beds, one day & went back to their old home for the night. The next day upon arriving at their new home with their beds, there was no house to put them in, It had "Mysteriously" Burned to the Ground.

Old Abe Lincoln hisself was about the "Worst" friend the Black people ever had, he wanted them all shipped to either the Caribbeans or Back to Africa. He made no bones about the fact he felt them as an inferior race & they could Never, live as equals to White folks in the same society.

Former Slave Trader Nathan Bedford Forrest actually held the Black Race in Higher Esteem, than did Lincoln.

I certainly do not deny that Racial Prejudices & Biases have existed in this nation since the day the First Black Man set foot on American soil. What I am saying that Shouting North vs South or Republican vs Dem is like the Pot Calling the Kettle Black, it existed, & still does today, Nationwide.

Just because a group uses it politically to "Buy Votes" does not of itself mean they are "Not Guilty".

I Didn't Say Everything I Said, Yogi Berra