Originally Posted By: Run With The Fox
Folks- it is sure strange to me how my question about the"bump stock ban" morphed into a heated exchange about: (1) the KKK and its history in America- (2) racism today, and its roots in American History- including the War Between the States-- Most wars are fought for reasons of political or economic gains, or both- But that may not have been the reasons behind the bloodshed in our Country from 1861 to 1865. Some scars never heal, do they. RWTF

No Fox, it's not strange at all. We are multi issue people, and not just clinging to our guns and bibles. If you prefer historical tidbits, that's fine. I know Bill likes them, because he can throw out some gratuitous critisism of a straw man dem, when all along he's a hundred percent in step with all of the tactics, policies and results of TODAY's dem.

The bumpstock is an issue of today, just as all the other baggage is of some folks vision for the America of tomorrow.