Originally Posted By: rocky mtn bill
Wealth redistribution? Where is that?Wealth in this country has been increasingly concentrated in the hands of folks like Bezos and Zuckerburg. How come I don't want to clean up drug problems? Craig, why would you assume something so patently stupid? Yes, I'd like them cleaned up? You clearly equate drug problems with immigration. So does our clueless president. If we somehow expand social justice, everyone will benefit. What do you have against social justice? As for Nixon, what would have been better is for him to have ended it sooner instead of delaying the end for his re -election. As for the "long term expense thing" Trump's push to deregulate industry is undoing things I give Nixon credit for despite his descent into criminality.

Bill, you are just staggering around the field like a drunk man, stepping into one cow pie after another. I'm a high school drop out....you spent your life in academia and I can think circles around you, never mind write them.

Why wouldn't you give Nixon credit for the things he did well? OMG you are mad at him because he didn't get out of Viet Nam fast enough? But Kennedy and Johnson are okay because they were Dems, right?

Wealth redistribution from the rich western nations to the poor second and third world, all under the watchful eyes of NGOs like the UN, corrupt money sucking organizations if there ever were. Bill, you seem to confuse intent with result.

Where was your precious Obama while Zukerberg and Bezos were acquiring that wealth? They made the bulk of their money under his watch. Did you know that? Gates made most of his under Clinton. Where was the outrage then? And what should the government have done. Did you notice the rush to repatriate corporate cash as a result of laws passed by Trump?

To Craig's point, what's with the priorities here for the Dems? Of course you'd like the opiate problem cleaned up. So would we all. So why then, while that horrific epidemic is devastating your country and mine are the Democratic generated headlines about guns and Russian collusion. Stew on that for a bit and see if you can't figure why some of us over here on the right are a bit cynical about the Dems' good intentions.

Social Justice? What is that anyway. Giving money and advantage to those who haven't earned it? If it were about applying the laws equally to all, I'm all for it. But I suspect that's not what is meant.

Your "clueless" president recognizes in his own fallible way that there is something rotten, no putrid, in Washington. Your democracy is at stake and you don't even realize it, you are so busy jumping up and down about Russian collusion. Who needs Russia when you have the Clinton crime family.

In my country, it's become so bad our Prime Minister and half the media don't even recognize or understand that tampering with the justice system on behalf of cronies and friends against the will of the Attorney General is what makes a Banana Republic. I suspect if you lived here you'd be a big supporter of our very own Trudeau. A man who has publicly expressed admiration for the Chinese system of government because of the speed with which they can get things done. Who gives a rats ass about due process and laws, right?

Last edited by canvasback; 03/30/19 04:35 PM.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia