Originally Posted By: rocky mtn bill
....The world has been inherited by the super rich and the multi-national corporations-- with the assistance of our Republican Party. The uneducated are left to fend for themselves- some of them effectively but most just hanging on. Education is the way out of this morass....

Bill, check your email, yup those seventy-three from the dnc, the mega elites are currently off limits. They've made your talking point most favored list. Ah, I think I know what happened, you thought all that spam was solicitations for money. Heck, most of the stratospheric rich you belly ache about have floated the idea of future runs for high offices under the dem banner, eh?

You know, even with your President unchaining the enslaved economy, there're still a bunch of college graduates aspiring to making manager at the local latte shop, until something better comes along or they get off their phones. Just imagine how much they will value that degree when it's 'free', eh? Do me a favor, the next time you need a plumber or mechanic to keep your truck spewing poison, you insist on a college degree, okay? Don't 'forget' to tip the waitress, she's a person too and just may be smart enough not to be saddled with some gender studies degree and a mountain of debt.