Originally Posted By: rocky mtn bill
It's true Republicans voted for the Civil Rights Act, but their arms were being severely twisted by President Johnson. The Republican Party since Reagan's day has not been in the forefront of any equality movement.

Can you prove these statements Billy???... especially the part about LBJ twisting Republican arms to get the votes to pass the Civil Rights Acts of 1964, and the 1965 Fair Housing Act.

Then tell us how and why LBJ was supposedly able to twist a lot more Republican arms than Democrat arms.

Billy, you should Google "Lyndon B. Johnson racist" and see what pops up. Even the highly Liberal Snopes fact checkers freely admit his extreme racism and relates that he referred to the 1957 Civil Rights Act as the "Ni**er Bill". I wonder why you Democrats never want to go anywhere near the truth about such things?

Obviously, you're still lying, and compounding lies with more lies. Then you move on to blame Trump for environmental damage that was done long before he entered politics.

Your statement claiming that humans are the only species that destroys its' own habitat is simply stupid, and evidence that you just repeat propaganda without any thought or reason. One quick example, without much thought required, is a swarm of locusts. Many more easily come to mind. But it does require that you have a mind.

It's hard to fathom why anyone would wish to debate you Billy. You aren't very smart, and you've been caught in numerous lies here. But it is quite entertaining and educational to see you once again making an ass of yourself, and saying virtually anything to prove your Socialist points.

By the way, how did Obama provide health insurance for 20 million people who didn't have it before? Who pays for it, and how much does it cost compared to the cost for similar coverage prior to Obama taking office? And tell us why his plan which was supposed to make health health care affordable precipitated double digit annual percentage cost increases. Then tell us why Obama left over 37 million without coverage, and why he was so heartless?

I know it is unfair to ask you to either think or tell the truth Billy, but at age 78, I believe it's about time that you started doing so.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.