Originally Posted By: rocky mtn bill
....Stan, that line about buying votes won't hold much water. What do you think Trump's tax cut was. Politicians do stuff for their constituents, occasionally it's true service; often it's not. That's the system.To see it as partisan is silly. As for welfare, check out government support for sugar producers. When the system lets Amazon and General Electric escape income taxes, you have real welfare fraud.

All one big happy, disfunctional family, huh Bill? Could you pull the part of tax cut that says it's only for old, white Republicans? Can you pull up the part that says dems don't get to participate with the tax cut? Constituents, eh. Your entitlements do tend to favor blue states and blue counties in states that you folks are trying to flip.

There you go again, aren't the ceo's of those big corps lock step dems? What a luxury huh Bill. You get to bash them out of one side of your mouth because it'll make three or folks feel good, and on the other hand you get to reap the benefit of their mega dollar corporate donations to get your social justice fundamental change agents elected.

Are you sure the campaign coffers, of these folks telling you what to do, are filled twenty or fifty dollars at a time by folks like you?

Stan, I bet when Bill got up this morning and had some breakfast, he figured if stove ain't broken don't fix it. It's clear, he doesn't like America and is motivated to change it.