Well alrighty then; we don't all agree on the 2nd or the welfare society. Immigration is a non-starter around here.

How about "women's rights" aka abortion on demand. Georgia has passed a bill referred to as the "heartbeat bill", which outlaws abortion after a fetal heartbeat can be detected. It carries the usual exceptions for rape or incest.

GA doctors are up in arms about it saying the State can't outlaw something they are trained to do. Women's Righters are livid. The whole purpose of the bill is to get something before the supreme court to either uphold Roe vs. Wade or overturn it.

The issue is simple for me; infanticide or feticide is murder. However, my own wife and I can't even agree on it.

On the other hand, women, for the first time since Adam's Rib have been allowed to fully enjoy their own sexuality without fear of more offspring. Men have benefitted accordingly.

Where's this one going?...Geo