Originally Posted By: rocky mtn bill
CB, A while back you asked for evidence of a government intervention that succeeded at a reasonable cost. If you can, check out the NYT's report today on Obama's rescue of the US automobile industry.

Ah yes, the TARP, or Troubled Asset Relief Program... started by none other than pro-gun Republican George Bush... who handed off the ball to anti-gun Democrat Barack Obama... who then fumbled the ball by losing $10.6 Billion by the time the Treasury Dept. closed the books on the TARP program. In the end, GM went bankrupt anyway, tens of thousands of good paying UAW jobs were lost, Billions in salary pensions and medical benefits were lost, and fewer workers ended up with lower wages and benefits. I guess it all depends upon your definition of success.

There will always be questions on whether it was a good idea for the government to intervene, of if the weak and mismanaged industries should have been allowed to fail. GM got in trouble mostly because of GMAC and their involvement in the Mortgage Crisis. Just 3 years earlier, in 2005, GM had all-time record profits. We will never know if short term misery might have led to greater stability and prosperity, or if we might still be mired in a global depression. But we do know what Party was most responsible for unfair Trade and Mortgage lending policies that put us in that position in the first place. Billy doesn't wish to even discuss that, and would rather fall back on claiming that President Trump lies all day every day.

And ain't it funny... the same rocky mtn bill that hates the idea of Trump cutting corporate taxes and regulations to create jobs is the same Libtard who gives Obama full credit for an $80.3 Billion bailout of major AUTO CORPORATIONS.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.