King, you're a funny guy. You must think that nobody here has a memory. If you really believed the B.S. you posted above, especially the part about U.S. members and from elsewhere seeing "partisan political bashing of any kind as tiresome drivel deliberately thwarting the forum's rules", then certainly you should know you yourself would be among the biggest serial offenders. And when it comes to rude partisan bashing, it would only take me a few moments to post a number of your own numerous insults toward Conservatives and pro-gun politicians. Do the words "greedy", "selfish", "misogynists", "haters", "racists", etc. ring any bells with you?

So cut the crap already King. Dishonesty is not civility.

However, your first sentence about tens of thousands of infringements on the 2nd Amendment is refreshing because it helps to bring us back on topic for this Thread. I acknowledge that there have been thousands of infringements. Even after the 2008 Heller and McDonald U.S. Supreme Court decisions that affirmed the Framers Original Intent of an Individual Right to Keep and Bear Arms, there are still infringements... Unconstitutional as can be. And virtually all of those infringements come directly from people who share your Liberal Left mindset.

It's a story that absolutely needs repeating. Gun owners will never win the unending battle to preserve our rights until they are smart enough to see who the enemy is. The best way to stop anti-gunners is to stop electing them. Period! More importantly, gun owners need to open their eyes to see who among them is stabbing them in their backs by supporting the Liberal Left politicians who impose those "tens of thousands of infringements". I think we all know where that leaves you and rocky mtn bill.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.