Originally Posted By: BrentD
RWTF, That entire second paragraph of yours looks like you are simply trying to find ways to blame roughly a quarter of the world's population for something for which you have exactly zero evidence at the moment. Wait a while and see if it is justified. Nothing is to keep any of us from doing something evil. Why single out Muslims here and now?

Maybe we should stick to double guns...

Because they have been doing a lot of this kind of shit for the last 25 years. Or hadn't you noticed.

When investigating anything, it makes sense, with a lack of hard evidence pointing in a particular direction, to look at the most likely candidates first. It's what unbiased investigative forces do the world over.

Talk about ideology getting in the way of common sense. Too bad it's now such a widespread problem. Even my Muslim friends think like I do.

Last edited by canvasback; 04/16/19 04:04 PM.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia