Originally Posted By: BrentD

I watch them kill ducks during the winter on almost a daily basis where small flocks are insisting on staying in a small hole they keep ice-free all winter.

Does anyone here actually believe this bullshit from the long-time anti-lead ammunition advocate BrentD??? Pretty hard to watch eagles killing ducks on a daily basis when you are also working at Iowa State and spending a great deal of time here on Doublegunshop being an expert on most everything. I call BULLSHIT on this statement. However, when you lack credibility, anything is worth a shot.

But just when you think the anti-lead bullshit can't get any deeper, another environmentalist wacko says this:

Originally Posted By: LGF

Further, lead vapor travels well beyond the wound channel in a game animal, and well into the meat we eat. As a Californian affected by all our absurd new gun laws, I hate to abandon all my older rifle ammo, but in this case I think it is the right thing to do, for the people who eat my venison, and for the condors and eagles which may eat the gut pile.

Hahaha... Wow folks, you saw it here first! Lead vapors from bullets going into meat! That's a new one that even the discredited wacko Ben Deeble would be proud of! It wasn't enough for anti-lead activists to claim that hundreds of lead fragments were laced throughout large numbers of deer and gut piles, going far beyond the wound channel. Now we have this "expert" proclaiming that lead bullets actually VAPORIZE well beyond wound channels to contaminate our venison.

Larry, BrentD, and LGF... Different circus... Same clowns! Some things never change. I'd suggest that newer members and readers delve into several past anti-lead diatribes from these three.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.