Speaking of good reading for new board members, here is one of my favorite threads on the forum and a quote from Pocono Bill describing his hacking into forum a forum members hard drive.

Originally Posted By: keith
Hi there Shortshells. I see you are making your second post with your new identity. Still too cowardly to use your other Doublegunshop screen name? Do you still think I don't know who you are? You should have covered your tracks better when you sent a cowardly anonymous intimidation letter to my house back in December. Your cyber security sucks and you let me right into your hard drive up there in N.Y. Too late to close the barn door now. That's all we'll say on that interesting subject just now.

read the full thread here:


Glad to see you are back posting Billie. Hope your finally got your horse back in the barn. Have great day,

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I miss Monkey Jim.