All of you conspiracy theorists are doing a rather poor job of bolstering your case. We are still waiting and will be waiting for an eternity for evidence that lead was not harmful to ducks at a population level. Meanwhile, every waterfowl biologist knows that as a simple fact, much like knowing the Earth is spherical, that the sun comes up in the east, and so forth, ingested lead kills waterfowl (and eagles). The data is overwhelming.

It also an interesting observation, at least to me, that all the waterfowl biologists I know of and have met are duck hunters - save one. And he was the supervisor and founder of the university's Ducks Unlimited Student Chapter, and thus a rather ardent if nonparticipatory supporter of the hunting of ducks.

So if this is all "junk" science, and a conspiracy to end hunting etc etc, you "junkers" and deniers (not derogatory - simply descriptive) have a lot of work cut out for yourselves.

Frankly, the science behind lead in waterfowl beats "Big Pharma" drug science a hundred times over. The reasons for that, are of course, blindingly obvious, and I am quite certain you are not so unintelligent to not see that, craig, so why the pretense? Yes, you can say anything you wish, but your credibility is pretty much shot.

Pony up. Let's see the literature. I've posted a fair number of studies on this topic in the past, so I've already got a long head start on you. Now it is your turn.

BrentD, (Professor - just for Stan)

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