Loony left is right. When they get real pissy, I ask them straight out how much money have they spent on promoting wildlife? Almost all say nothing or harp about joining some Nature Group. Then I explain Ive spent tens of thousand on habitat improvement and game management. I ask them how many nesting boxes they put out for wood ducks? Zero is their answer. Ive put out almost a thousand in my lifetime. I put out 30 this year alone on land that Ill never hunt around. Just so more wood ducks can hatch a brood. Until they stop running their mouth about things and start doing real labor to make things better I wont listen to anything they ever have to say.

The loony left is getting to be almost out of control here. They want to dictate policy based on whatever their own facts tell them. Never mind if their facts are all made up or just flat out wrong. They want to spend the money but not do any work of their own to earn any money.