Thank you Mike, and good thinking.

Yes, I will receive some unfired shells from the same box and intend to send them for ballistic testing.

ed: I don't have the barrels yet.

re: the missing chunk. This is the blown out segment from the 2014 study

It would seem obvious that actually measuring the wall thickness of the edges, esp. the medial formerly brazed edge (numbers are good; eyes fool us) might be of worth. And preparation of the edges for photomicrographs by the metallurgical engineer at METL is much easier using the chunk than cutting up the remains of the barrel.

Arrogance is a dangerous thing. One tends to make a presumptive diagnosis, then seek data to confirm that presumption, and discount or ignore data contrary to that presumption. In medicine, it gets patients killed BTW.

And since William seems intent on turning this (once again) thread into his personal toddler wading pool of filth and an opportunity to continue our feud, and since it is my time and money, of which I have, I'll choose to do what it takes to arrive at a reasonable conclusion as to the cause of the blow-out, and just maybe we can learn something. What a concept! wink