Originally Posted By: LeFusil
Its a shell built using the Cheddite hull. If your gun or guns had issues extracting them, theyd probably have issues extracting ANY shell built using the Cheddite, including but not limited to RSTs. Seeing how pretty much all Cheddite hulls are built the exact same way.

And why on earth would you use shells that have corroded heads? That in itself would more than likely lead to extraction issues in any gun. Good lord. ...

I have shot thousands of Cheddite hull loads in my Fox 16 and it works flawlessly with them. I loaded from a fresh box of Herter's shells and did not inspect the heads with birds coming in. After the problem ejecting the first load, I inspected ALL the shells in the flat and about half were corroded. I had to sort out the ones that were usable and sperate them from the corroded ones. OF COURSE I DID NOT CONTINUE SHOOTING THE SHELLS WITH CORRODED HEADS. GOOD LORD!

I put this on the vendor who sold them.

C Man
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