Originally Posted By: craigd
Originally Posted By: Stan
Originally Posted By: nca225
Just remember thirfty, real Americans think that its bad when foreign adversaries seek to influence our elections. Real Americans also think it is bad when the the political party of the foreign adversarys favor accepts the adversarys help, and takes actions to conceal the assistance.

Is that the same "real Americans" who believe convicted murderers should not be given a lethal injection, but believe unborn babies should?....

nca thinks convicted murderers in prison should have the RIGHT to vote.

nca gets a tingle up his leg when the clinton foundation got tens of millions in bribes from russia. Oh, excuse me, while sec-o-state she ran a sister foundation in canada for the purposes of concealing donor identities. In a couple of years, he's gonna be writting that to be a real American you have to live in guatemala and get food stamps from somalia.

Wow, your going back to uranium one. That one has been bebunked for years now you delusional idiot.


You know just when I get to thinking that no one can be more stupid then princess, you get your second wind and overtake him. Congratulations on your hard earned victory thrifty. You certainly meet every definition of being a tool.

BTW, what happened to the pros? Hard to think of them when your out of breath?

Last edited by nca225; 05/08/19 11:02 PM.

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