I was there Saturday. A wonderful show (1100+ tables). Came to see some marvelous double guns that I’ll never own but can still appreciate and enjoy. Thanks, Steve, for the heads up. I had it on my calendar but currently being on any-day-now grandbaby watch almost caused it to slip by me.
Relative to pricing and interest in collector firearms, something dawned on me about half way through my time there. “Oh, boy. The building is full of OWG’s.” Overwhelmingly, the crowd was old (or older), white and male. I brought my 40 year old son with me but clearly it was an old guys event.
Later that evening I read Darin Carwin’s “Message from the President.” He is president of the Colorado Gun Collectors Association. In part, he said, “The last eighteen months has seen the passing of more CGCA club members than I can ever recall before. We have lost club Founders, past Presidents and other leaders and members who have contributed untold hours to making our club and the CGCA gun show what it is today. It makes me think about what the future holds for our hobby. The club’s membership numbers are still robust due to new members joining. However, most of our new members are only a few years younger than the average club member.”
Interest in classic double guns, and classic guns in general, is not reflecting the diversity of America or the younger generations.
Thoughts? Suggestions?

Speude Bradeos