FYI, she was a socialist disaster for the province and was popularly known, based on her appearance, as Orville Redenbacher.

Her regime, and that of her predecessor, was know for slavish devotion to green energy, which moved the province from the lowest electric energy cost jurisdiction in NA to the highest in less than 15 years. Additionally she ran up deficits until Ontario became the sub national jurisdiction with the highest debt level in the world. Multiple spending scandals with billion dollar price tags and criminal charges plagued her government.

In our last election a year ago, she went from forming the government with a clear majority to being reduced to 7 elected members out of a house that has 124 seats. At that low a number her party loses what is known as "official party status". No offices or financial support as an official part of the opposition. It was the worst defeat in the 161 year history of her party....the Liberals.

As you might imagine, that meme describes a real occurrence and made the rounds up here for a number of years. I laugh every time I see it.

Oh, and she lost to a guy named Doug Ford....a conservative.....most commonly referred to in the press as Canada's Donald Trump. I'm lovin' it!

One final note......she was married before she came out as a lesbian. When she did, she cuckolded her husband by moving her lesbian lover into the family home with her school aged children forced to observe. The fact that she ever got elected disgusts me. Can you imagine the outcry if a male politician had been discovered moving his mistress into the family home over the objections of his dutiful wife. It blows my mind.

Last edited by canvasback; 05/20/19 11:07 AM.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia