Originally Posted By: BrentD
Originally Posted By: Dan S. W.

Perhaps there needs to be a reach across the aisle. I am 37 and buying, but none of my other young professional friends have any interest in guns, hunting or fishing.

You are exactly right. Roughly 2/3s of Americans regardless of age, gender, or ethnicity are simply not welcome. A very few of those persist anyway, but most do not even pause to consider the possibilities.

You left out the key quality that probably creates the unwelcomeness......political leanings. Why would I welcome with open arms those who would legislate away my ability to enjoy my hobby. Right now we have a government in Canada trying to figure out how to impose a blanket ban on handguns and any type of "assault" weapon as well as semi autos of all types. There are rumours it will be announced by the PM at a early June women's conference.

Why would I welcome ANYONE who voted for that dick and his party?

And I'm asking a serious question Brent. It's not meant to be rhetorical.

When I do run across someone I know who admits to voting for him I am scathing in my denunciation of their choice, with a long list of ways, not just gun related, he has buggered up our country. The low information voter will be the death of our respective countries.

Last edited by canvasback; 05/23/19 07:32 AM.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia