i forgot most of hit...but...

unlike most other snakes, copperheads do not lay eggs...their young are birthed fully developed...so if you kill an expecting momma copperhead, best cut her open an kill the babies too...

king snake and coral snake have similar markings...coral snakes have black as first color on nose...coral snake bite will kill a kid...

how about when walkin down a trail in the summer time, where snakes are known to be about...look on the other side of a log before stepping over it...

if you sit quite and absolutely still about 20 minutes, the squirrels will eventually come out...

if your shotgun barrel is plugged with mud or snow, do not try to shoot it out...unless you want a shorter barrel...

moss usually grows on the north side of trees...usually...

carry two compasses in the woods...if you doubt one, consult the other...if they both give similar readings, best to believe them...unless you like being lost...

when lost in the woods, where the earth is rich in iron ore, neither compass will give an accurate reading...

downed trees and stone walls are a ruffed grouse's best friends...
they block your shot just when you pull the trigger...

owls are a ruffed grouse's worst enemy...

trained grouse hunting owls will eventually go rouge...

Last edited by ed good; 05/27/19 06:23 PM.

keep it simple and keep it safe...