The best thing to keep in the back of the truck for a dog that gets hit by a skunk is the dog.

It's smart to have an extra outboard shear pin, but replace it right away when you use the spare. I once had to do a long slow ride on the electric trolling motor and the battery started to fade before I got to where I needed to go. I was lucky it was only about a two mile walk/jog to get the truck.

I have a 22 short rifle, but they should have specialized slow twist barrels. I think just use quality standard velocity 22 LR ammo in a 22 LR barrel for the best accuracy.

My thing to expand in the upcoming season was mentioned by Brent. I dislike counting on it, but decent GPS apps for the phone not only help locate boundries and see topography, but it can sure help finding unmarked two rut access roads when it's pitch black out.

When ever I wear waders, I like to have my misc. odds and ends in a separate bag or back pack. I felt the feeling a couple of times when a light few pounds of things like shells, etc. can make it surprisingly hard to get a little air when I stepped into a hole.

Ziplocs and sturdy garbage bags are a must. Check the emergency truck bag now and then, don't assume it's as remembered and everything in there fresh and ready. Fun topic Stan.