The dedication of the memorial at Pretot Sainte-Suzanne was yesterday at 1800. 125 people turned out. The mayor Thierry Renaud gave a speech essentially written for him by Dominique Francois, French historian who has written 12 books about D-Day, one of which Hommes d'Honneur had one-third of the book devoted to Lt. Gene Williams. I spoke in French for about 5 minutes talking about democracy, the 3rd Bn attack on Pretot, the German riposte, etc., my family, background - kids being French citizens...vive la France, vive l'Amerique, Taps were played, La Marseilles, Star Spangled Banner, then an hour of drinking champaign.

Uncharacteristically for Normandy, no rain. People were stopping to see what was going on...probably 160 by the end of the program. Deputy District Commissioner came down and gave a political speech. I think though that my talk about the details of the initial assault on Pretot on 20 June, which came in from the east, personalized the affair for the villagers a bit. I was told it was well received.

Thierry Renaud the mayor did an amazing job putting up this stone in three weeks. There are a lot of these memorials around. Pretot had renamed its square after LTC Mendez, CO of the 3 Bn, 15 years ago but had no memorial stone. Now the join the other villages here. American, Canadian, British, French flags everywhere.

Flags at the ceremony:'

from left: Twin brother Jack's sons Lear and Patrick, Jack Williams, Gene Williams, Mayor Thierry Renaud.

Monument text to the 3rd Bn.

Last edited by Argo44; 06/05/19 04:05 AM.

Baluch are not Brahui, Brahui are Baluch