La Fière causeway was one of only two causeways across the flooded Merderet River just west of Sainte Mere Eglise. The causeways was seized, lost then retaken by a mad all-out 500 meter sprint by the 325 Glider regiment. The battle is legendary and will be subject of the next "Band of Brothers" type move
(No Better Place to Die -
and the details can be read on-line, My father was about 600 meters south on "Hill 30" calling in artillery strikes around the hill and keeping an eye on Chef du Point and La Fière.

"La Friere Causeway was probably the bloodiest small-unit action ever fought by the US Army"-SLA Marshall.

Last edited by Argo44; 06/18/19 08:37 PM.

Baluch are not Brahui, Brahui are Baluch