Originally Posted By: Bob Cash
Originally Posted By: ed good
gotta be better reasons to go to argentiner, besides killin bushels o song birds...

Originally Posted By: HolyjOe
Everyone I know that has gone said no one eats them...
Go back to hunt dreaming no one was talking yo you.

The two of you should get your sh!t together.
Doves are pests that consume something like a third
of all cultivated grains in South America.

People are starving on account of South American doves.

Consider the source(s), Bob.

Before doves became an income producer for farmers there the doves were being killed with poisoned grain. Then scavenging predators ate the dead doves and were poisoned, too. The income from worldwide hunters coming to stay and shoot doves helps offset the crop losses from the doves. To say they are in plague numbers is not a stretch. There is one 1600 acre roost of which I am aware that roosts up to 25 million doves at one time. They raise five broods a year.

Some of the birds are picked up after the shoot and fed to the hunters. We had a couple of dove dishes which I very much enjoyed. Most of the birds are left there, and every one is consumed during the night. We once shot the same field in the morning that we had shot the afternoon before. There was not one dove remaining, nothing but little wads of feathers. There are numerous species of wild cats there, from the size of a housecoat to a panther. There are more kinds of hawks and eagles than you can imagine. They start appearing in the field as soon as you begin shooting, and begin eating the dead doves. Iguanas eat them, too. I couldn't begin to name all the predators that consume the dead doves. Nothing goes to waste in nature. I have no qualms about killing a thousand a day. It's a win/win deal.


May God bless America and those who defend her.