Judging by the extreme anti-gun sentiments being expressed by Democrat Presidential candidates, it isn't likely any will be willing to be photographed with any kind of firearm like Franklin Roosevelt.

On the other hand, the extreme anti-gunner John Kerry made a point of going goose hunting at the Molnar farm in Mahoning County, Ohio when many local sportsmen were concerned about his stance.

Kerry went in with a new shotgun and brand new camo hunting clothes. News Reporters were not permitted to go along to witness the hunt. After a short while, a couple shots were heard, and then Kerry emerged with two geese.The local paper had a large color photo and story on the front page.

I always felt that was a Democrat I.Q. test. Quite a few are not too bright when it comes to giving up the Constitutional rights of law abiding citizens to own firearms. One of the Debate questions last night dealt with what to do about existing guns in private hands... not just banning future sales. In spite of that, some here will still be in denial.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.