Yep, I can see it now. Axe handles; Pickrick Drumsticks diminished by the lying Atlanta newspaper into toothpicks. An informing artifact of our southern civil rights era. Lester Maddox was GA's last segregationist governor.

Before being elected in 1966 Lester owned an Atlanta restaurant called The Pickrick. He had a barrel next to the cash register which was full of axe handles inscribed Pickrick Drumsticks. They were for the coming race wars, and became a symbol of his political career.

I was an 18 year college freshman for that election and he was probably my first vote. If I remember right, he was elected when the governor's race was so tight it was thrown into the democrat GA legislature...Geo

Last edited by Geo. Newbern; 06/29/19 01:16 PM. Reason: Forgot where I was in 1966