Originally Posted By: rocky mtn bill
Ted, You're pinpointing an economic turn-around is nothing short of miraculous. No economist could manage such a feat. Your crystal ball is simply amazing. Think what you could accomplish as an investor or financial adviser.

Got any money in the stock market Bill? Or, do you just let the bankrupt teachers pension worry about that?

Care to give us a blow by blow of the years and months leading up to Donald J. Trump under BHO, versus what has happened in the last two years?

I thought not.

Lets talk about a SINGLE contrasting point under either. How about numbers on welfare? No, Billy? How about, black unemployment? You dont want to talk about that one either? How about numbers insured by private health insurance? Boy, probably not, just looking at the numbers of people employed since Trump took office.

By any measure a lefty can dream up, the only way they can claim things are worse for the man on the street is to lie their collective asses off about it. Which, every single one of them did, during the debates.

And, as you persist in doing, now.

Get used to the good times, Bill. You are going to have at least 6 more years of them. No matter how much you hate it.

Still waiting for your brilliant rationalization of the 20,000 plus who died waiting on Obama care, by the way. Spit it out any time now, OK?
