Originally Posted By: rocky mtn bill
Obama inherited a bailout that was seriously flawed. He saved the wall street assholes who should have been jailed, but he saved the auto industry too. Our current economy benefits me, but I have no faith it is sustainable. Wages are up marginally but have a long way to go to make up for the stagnation working people have endured. Our system is rigged against them. Finally, Obama did not cause the recession. Republicans caused the recession.

Ted's observation that Billy is lying his ass off is 100% accurate. But telling Liberal Democrat lies nothing new from Billy. He's been caught in a bunch of them, and pretends he doesn't see it when he gets called out on them. I wonder who he thinks he's fooling... except other brain dead Libtards like nca225.

Obama inherited a Recovery Plan from George Bush that brought us out of a severe recession which was destined to happen when Bill Clinton and the Democrats forced lenders to provide mortgages to people who could never repay them.

Thus began the Subprime Mortgage crisis. People who had been barely able to keep up those mortgage payments were doomed when hundreds of thousands of jobs were lost due to insane Trade Deals like the NAFTA Agreement signed into law by... Bill Clinton.

Obama did not cause the recession, but anti-gun certainly Democrats did. Obama supported the Liberal Left policies that caused the Great Recession. Obama policies as the first gay president gave us a very weak recovery, and his ObamaCare actually raised the cost of Health Care and forced employers to freeze hiring and to reduce employment at a time when unemployment was very high. He told us that chronic high unemployment was going to be the new normal. His recovery was one of the weakest on record. To give Obama any credit for the big jump in the stock markets, employment numbers, and wage growth that happened as soon a Donald Trump was elected is the height of deception and dishonesty.

The current economy benefits rocky brain bill, yet he wishes to go back to high taxes and the onerous anti-Corporate regulations that led to closed factories, job losses, and depressed wages. He also wants unfettered Illegal Immigration, which also depresses wages for the poor and middle class.

Most of the people who got Health Insurance were forced to buy costly and substandard insurance with very high deductibles, under penalty of law. The only people who "GOT" Health Insurance from ObamaCare were those already collecting Welfare who were subsidized at the expense of other taxpayers. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the ObamaCare Individual Mandate was a tax... yet Obama had promised to not raise taxes on anyone making less than $250,000 per year... another lie. And Billy won't talk about those double digit annual cost increases after Obama promised that costs would come down.

But here on a firearms forum, this is the part which proves that Liberalism is a mental disorder:

Originally Posted By: rocky mtn bill
2-piper, There's still some common ground; we both like double guns.

This is simply nuts. A guy who claims to like guns and who starts a thread about planting walnut trees to provide wood for gun stocks in the future actually supports and votes for extreme anti-gun Democrats who promise to keep pushing for restrictions on the 2nd Amendment... anti-gun Democrats like Barbara Boxer who actually sometimes admit they would like to ban them all. They always start out claiming that they only want "Saturday Night Specials" or "Assault Weapons" that are designed only for killing people. Or all handguns, which they say are useless for hunting or home defense. But when you look at the huge piles of confiscated and banned firearms from other countries whose anti-gun politicians said the same thing... you see plenty of common hunting rifles and shotguns. These actual advertisements from Australia aren't showing a semi-auto large cap magazine assault style rifle:

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.