The only reason that our right to own guns is not now under a serious threat is because we have Donald Trump in the White House instead of an anti-gun Democrat like Obama or Hillary Clinton!

Ted, thanks for the first hand account of what I've been saying about the ObamaCare Insurance that was FORCED down the throats of millions of people. Billy is still lying about Republican attempts to replace it with something better, which were blocked by Dumbocrats.

But Billy doesn't care, and everything you wrote passed right through his empty head. You gave him facts and the truth and first-hand experience. He responds with mindless drivel and insulting claims that you need the National Enquirer to understand the issues. We all see by now that Billy is little more than a brainless sock-puppet for the anti-gun Liberal Democrats.

Billy apparently hasn't heard that Obama had scant experience as an Illinois legislator with no meaningful legislative accomplishments. He ran for Illinois U.S. Congressman in 2000 and lost. He served in the U.S. Senate for less than three years, again, without any major accomplishments. His speech at the 2004 Democrat Convention showed his only real talent... reading a teleprompter.

He was certainly a Democrat loyalist, and we all should know about his extreme 100% anti-gun voting record. He told Professor John Lott at the University of Chicago that “I don't believe people should be able to own guns"

But this is Brainless Billy's guy... and this moron still supports rabid anti-gunners while planting walnut trees for gun stocks.

Obama never ran a business and never employed anyone like Donald Trump. He never created a job.

We don't know much about his education except his affinity for Socialists. Unlike every President since Truman, Obama has not released his education records. It is very likely that Obama illegally took Student Aid by claiming to be a foreign student. If he is a U.S. citizen, then he would be admitting he is a criminal. If he is not a U.S. citizen and took Foreign Student aid, then he had no legal right to ever be president of the Libtards. I wish Trump would make that point whenever the Democrats ask to see his Income Tax returns. The IRS had audited Trump many time, and if there was anything illegal about his taxes, the IRS would have caught it by now.

Obama does have lots of experience with gay and transgender things. That's why nca225 loved him.

Billy is pretending to ignore me again. That's because he is afraid.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.