Originally Posted By: keith
Well Stevie, it seems apparent that you and pecker gnats share a common interest, so it's understandable that you hate to see them being insulted in any manner.

I must say that links to your music videos are a whole lot better than your links to highly questionable data from known anti-gunners like Philip Alpers and his Anti-gun organization Gunpolicy.org....

Not many gunsmiths cite data from anti-gunners Stevie... at least the ones with brains, that is.

Why am I not surprised Lying keith is LYING again? Because that is what you do.

You are still wrong about guns being registered in NZ at the time of the attack. Only a small portion were registered then, 3% of them at the time and not the guns used used in the attack.

You can keep repeating your LIES Bill, but they will never become true.

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I miss Monkey Jim.