Originally Posted By: keith
Sorry Stevie, but it is you who is telling lies. You clearly said there was NO GUN REGISTRATION IN NEW ZEALAND. Then you lied some more and said that the guns used by the Christchurch shooter were not registered... even though he used two semi-automatics including an AR-15 style rifle which requires a permit because it is classified as a MSSA, or military style semi-automatic.

Even if we believed your biased data from the extremely anti-gun Philip Alpers and his Anti-gun organization Gunpolicy.org, then your own 3% figure proves you were lying... again.

But those of us who like our 2nd Amendment Rights have learned long ago that data from anti-gunners simply cannot be trusted or believed. Of course, it does take some brains to understand that, so I won't be expecting anything of substance from you.

But don't worry... one of your wormy pals will PM Dave and demand that he should delete your lies again.

Actually you are LYING AGAIN as usual in this very thread. Several times. Let me point them out to you Billie.

I never once said "NO GUNS ARE REGISTERED in NZ"....those are your words, not mine. LIE number one LYING keith.

The Christ Church shooters guns were NOT REGISTERED. SOME SEMI-AUTOS were required to be registered at the time of the attack but not all. The guns he chose to use were NOT REGISTERED!!!!! That is LIE number two LYING keith.

I posted a link to an article from one of our President's favorite papers, the New York Post. That article showed that only 3% of guns in New Zealand were registered. You can not dispute this with facts so you LIE by saying I am using data from a gun grabber. That is LIE number three LYING keith.

Shall we go on where you can continue to show the board why you are known as LYING keith?

Can not get enough Sturgill lately:


Booking African hunts, firearms import services

I miss Monkey Jim.