Originally Posted By: keith
Originally Posted By: canvasback

Lies, Damn lies and Statistics. The Sound Bite. These are your stock in trade. Little snippets of facts artfully arranged to support your truth. Combined with a OCD driven paranoia. Too bad you are making a mess of Dave's forum.

Are you speaking of the lies from your friend's King and Stevie, or Stevie's statistics from well known anti-gunners? Look who is engaging in projection here.

And perhaps you can show us exactly where I said that you complained to Dave???

When I mentioned that you would continue to lie about your friend Stevie starting things quite often, I expected that you would not admit it. And you certainly didn't disappoint.

This disingenuous crap had a lot to do with the PM I sent you a couple months ago ending what I mistakenly thought was a friendship. I continue to be shocked that I was fooled by you for so long. Enjoy your friendship with King and Stevie and Bob Trash. You all deserve each other.

And your LIES continue keith. A link to NY Post article which proved you WRONG is not posting a statistic from anti-gunners. You still can not prove your point so you continue to LIE. That is why you are known as LYING keith on this board. One LIE after another....because that is what you do.

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