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This is exactly why you are known as lying keith.

I am the one who explained exactly what guns were registered in NZ, not you and I did it in my second post which was linked to the NY Post article backing up my information. You simply stated "gun registration did nothing to stop the attack" and failed to note that most guns were not registered in NZ, including those used in the attack.

Why you need to LIE to make your point is beyond me but the one thing that this thread has shown quite nicely just how dishonest you are. I too hope this thread does not get deleted. A nice documentation of your deception would be a good thing. Your liE has been exposed and played on nicely in this thread. It captures what a low life you really are. All because i proved you WRONG about gun registration in New Zealand.

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Stevie, I am so hurt that I am known as "lying keith" by a couple of the biggest liars on this board...

I did in fact say that gun registration did not stop the New Zealand Mosque attack. And it didn't stop the attack. MSSA rifles like the AR-15 held by the New Zealand Police Seargeant required a Special "E" Permit... registered with the police. I gave you a picture and a link showing that the shooter used an MSSA firearm. You continue to deny and lie about facts. But this all started when you broke into the conversation with your repeated assertion that there was no gun registration in New Zealand. In fact, it wasn't until May 12th that you first tried to tell us that you never said there was NO GUN REGISTRATION IN NEW ZEALAND. I confronted you then about your new story. That thread got deleted, but I saved our posts on the matter.

You claimed in this thread, that your assertion about no gun registration was a one-time error which you quickly corrected. ....except for the FACT that you repeated it several times... one of which I QUOTED here with post number and date. Please explain that new lie as you try to paint me as dishonest and a low-life.

No side stepping this time Stevie... explain that LIE.

And please tell us how 3% equals zero. That is the figure from known anti-gunners which you used to "prove" your false assertion that guns were not registered in New Zealand.

No side stepping this time Stevie... explain that falsehood and mathematical impossibility.

And please explain why you would say there was no gun registration in New Zealand, and then try to tell us that it was you who informed us that ALL HANDGUNS and ALL MSSA RIFLES were registered there???

That scenario doesn't even make sense.... unless you are trying to change history with flat-out LIES.

No side stepping this time Stevie... explain that LIE.

Now then, let's also go back to your repeated lie claiming that I am unemployed and on the Government dole. An honest and honorable guy like you ought to be able to back up that statement, but you continue to run away from it like the lying coward you are. It's time to stop running from that LIE.

No side stepping Stevie. Just answer those simple and direct questions without your usual insults and attempts to change the subject. Try to be honest just this once.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.

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Originally Posted By: keith
Stevie, I am so hurt that I am known as "lying keith" by a couple of the biggest liars on this board...

I did in fact say that gun registration did not stop the New Zealand Mosque attack. And it didn't stop the attack. MSSA rifles like the AR-15 held by the New Zealand Police Seargeant required a Special "E" Permit... registered with the police. I gave you a picture and a link showing that the shooter used an MSSA firearm. You continue to deny and lie about facts. But this all started when you broke into the conversation with your repeated assertion that there was no gun registration in New Zealand. In fact, it wasn't until may 12th that you first tried to tell us that you never said there was NO GUN REGISTRATION IN NEW ZEALAND. That thread got deleted, but I saved our posts on the matter.

You claimed in this thread, that your assertion about no gun registration was a one-time error which you quickly corrected. ....except for the FACT that you repeated it several times... one of which I QUOTED here with post number and date. Please explain that new lie as you try to paint me as dishonest and a low-life.

No side stepping this time Stevie... explain that LIE.

And please tell us how 3% equals zero. That is the figure from known anti-gunners which you used to "prove" your false assertion that guns were not registered in New Zealand.

No side stepping this time Stevie... explain that falsehood and mathematical impossibility.

And please explain why you would say there was no gun registration in New Zealand, and then try to tell us that it was you who informed us that ALL HANDGUNS and ALL MSSA RIFLES were registered there???

That scenario doesn't even make sense.... unless you are trying to change history with flat-out LIES.

No side stepping this time Stevie... explain that LIE.

Now then, let's also go back to your repeated lie claiming that I am unemployed and on the Government dole. An honest and honorable guy like you ought to be able to back up that statement, but you continue to run away from it like the lying coward you are. It's time to stop running from that LIE.

No side stepping Stevie. Just answer those simple and direct questions without your usual insults and attempts to change the subject. Try to be honest just this once.

No side stepping, just calling you out for being the LYING piece of sh!t that you are William.

I never once said that there was "NO Gun Registration in New Zealand" Those are your words, not mine. I did use the term "guns", saying "guns are not registered in NZ" ONE TIME.....your claim that I repeatedly stated "no Guns were registered in NZ" is a straight forward LIE. Because that is what you do....you LIE.

My second post in that thread provided the 3% figure and the link to the Post article, which you continue to lie about claiming I am using data from gun grabbers. Utter Bull Shit, pretty much what we have come to expect from you.

I showed in the second post on that now deleted thread that a very few, only 3% of the the guns in NZ were registered at the time.

In my post clarifying what few guns were registered I pointed out it was handguns and some semi-autos. You were at that point still LYING(no surprise there) and saying all guns were registered in NZ.

Hey Billie here is classic just for you....always near and dear to my heart. Great song and the original super group. Still love all those guys even if they do not get along.


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I miss Monkey Jim.
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Point-by point Stevie...

I have said that you said there was no gun registration in New Zealand, and I have stated it slightly differently, QUOTING your surviving words from post #544258 where you said guns are not registered in New Zealand. That is simply two ways of saying the exact same thing. But even when I have QUOTED you verbatim with post number and date, you tried to LIE to us and say that you only said that... in error... one time... in the original deleted thread, and then corrected yourself. But you absolutely said it more than once. You said it in the original thread which got deleted. You repeated it several other times in other threads that got deleted. And you said it again in your post #544258. How can you keep coming back and telling the LIE that you only said it once?

Your 3% figure came from your NY Post link which told you that your precious 3% figure was from known anti-gunner Philip Alpers.

You are using data from gun grabbers and continue to use data from gun grabbers. But you LIE again when you say it is utter bullshit that you use data from gun grabbers. You are clearly in denial about this, and even your pals can't swoop in to save you from this LIE without looking as dishonest and stupid as you.

I never once said that all guns in New Zealand were registered. I said that the Christchurch shooting happened in spite of gun registration. And that AR-15 was registered by a Special "E" Permit. Did you see the pic of the AR-15 the NZ cop was holding? Does that fit the definition of MSSA in New Zealand? He bought it only a month or so before the shooting so it fell under that law. You deny that, and you run away from that. This is like trying to reason with a severely autistic child... except that severely autistic children do not consciously tell LIES to cover their tracks. In every subsequent argument we've had since the original deleted thread, I've repeatedly stated that ALL HANDGUNS and ALL MSSA RIFLES were registered. I'd like you to show us where I changed my story. You can't because my story has not changed.

Final point... I see you are still running away from your oft-repeated lie claiming that I am unemployed and on the government dole. I thought you want us to believe you are the honest one here... but you run, run, run from that LIE like the LYING deceptive coward that you show yourself to be.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.

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I saw you starting to make a reply to my last post Stevie. I was really hoping you'd be coming back with your proof that I said all guns in NZ were registered, or proof that I was unemployed, etc. Then you quit and logged out.

Under your Union contract... it must have been time to put your tail between your legs and run away from LIES again.

I've seen this same behavior several times from guys like your pals King and Bob Trash. The truth comes easily, but it takes some time to craft more lies, eh?

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.

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keith, you forgot to mention the House, which represents the American people directly, and its position on background checks. Doesn't it count?

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Originally Posted By: King Brown
keith, you forgot to mention the House, which represents the American people directly, and its position on background checks. Doesn't it count?

It only counts if they pass a law and said law also is passed by the Senate. Then it has to be signed into law by the President... who is also elected by the People.... unless there are enough votes to override a Presidential Veto.

Our Constitution is a beautiful thing King. The Framers were wise when they devised a Tripartite form of Government, and an Electoral College so that power would not be concentrated in the more populous states. We are a Constitutional Republic. Not a Democracy. Mob rule influenced by a lying media is stymied by this form of government... unlike your country. I know how you and other anti-gun Libtards think that the Constitution should be a so-called "Living Document" that can be misinterpreted by activist Judges. But it's not, and thanks to Donald Trump, our 2nd Amendment Rights are pretty secure for now.

This is why it is so very important for gun owners to NEVER vote for, or support Anti-Gun Liberal Left Democrats. Any Background Checks that include make, model, and serial number are simply a back-door registration scheme. And registration is what anti-gunners in countries like Australia and New Zealand use to enforce eventual confiscation. This is why we need to re-elect Donald Trump to really secure Gun Rights on the Supreme Court. The NRA, and the Heller and McDonald decisions didn't remake the 2nd as you dishonestly claim. They simply affirmed the clear meaning and intent of the Framers. Deal with it, and interfere with gun rights in Canada.

Originally Posted By: King Brown
Ed, historically the individual "right" to bear arms is relatively new. I believe John Ashcroft in 2002 became the first federal attorney-general to proclaim that individuals should be able to own guns. The Supreme Court in 2008 overturned all mainstream legal and historical scholarship by ruling that there is an individual right to own firearms although with some limits. Obama said it again last week.

I believe that during the previous 218 years the Second meant what it said: firearms shall be held by "the People"---a collective and not individual right---insofar they are in the service of "a well-regulated militia." Was an individual right even mentioned at the Constitutional Convention or in the House when it ratified the Amendment or when debated in state legislatures? I don't think so.

Imagine Mustela frenata trying to silence me, while he also says dishonest crap like your words above does no harm, and anti-gunners like you should be welcomed here!!!

Don't worry King... your legacy as the Anti-gun Troll of Doublegunshop is safe... in spite of your little pal Stevie using data from known anti-gunners. He has a long way to go to catch up to your efforts to undermine our gun rights.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.

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Originally Posted By: keith
... and interfere with gun rights in Canada.

Before you get started on that give Dubas or former Red Wing great Brendan Shanahan a call in Toronto and see whats going on with Marner. I can definitely see Shanny taking your call...Whoa!!! Its the Beaver King of Nova Scotia, I better take this!!!

VTEC, it just kicked in, yo!

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He might take the call, lonesome. Didn't he play Halifax Mooseheads in juniors?

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Checks and balances are problematic when the Senate won't allow House consensus to come to a vote. I agree with the American political consensus that background checks is good legislation. Particularly, since a majority voted for other than the current president in the last election.

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