I provided a photo of a New Zealand Police Seargent holding up a Military Style Semi-Auto AR-15 like the one used by the Christchurch shooter. These firearms required a special permit in New Zealand, i.e., registration. The shooter bought all of his guns from a Gun Store, shortly before the shooting, so the permit had to be filed.

The government is using those registration records right now in an enforced confiscation of semi-automatics. But that special permit or registration did not prevent the shooting.

And you are still using data from known anti-gunners to support your lie. You told that lie more than once, and I provided a QUOTE from you proving that. I even put your words in BOLD RED TYPE.

Originally Posted By: SKB

Actually you had stated first that the incident in New Zealand happened in spite of the registration of guns there. I told you guns were not registered in New Zealand. Turns out neither statement is 100% true but I was much closer than you since only 3% of the guns in New Zealand were registered at the time of the incident.

Now you are trying to tell us that your statement about no gun registration in NZ was a one-time mistake, and that I am seizing upon a simple human error.

No Stevie... I'm seizing on a simple human LIE... a LIE told by you... and repeated by YOU.

It becomes even more special as you now concoct more LIES in order to try to excuse your previous LIES

Keep flailing.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.