Originally Posted By: keith
I provided a photo of a New Zealand Police Seargent holding up a Military Style Semi-Auto AR-15 like the one used by the Christchurch shooter. These firearms required a special permit in New Zealand, i.e., registration. The shooter bought all of his guns from a Gun Store, shortly before the shooting, so the permit had to be filed.

The government is using those registration records right now in an enforced confiscation of semi-automatics. But that special permit or registration did not prevent the shooting.

I used the same term you did you putz...simply "guns" I was FAR, FAR more correct than you were unless you meant "some guns"....is that what you meant or were you LYING like you always do?

And you are still using data from known anti-gunners to support your lie. You told that lie more than once, and I provided a QUOTE from you proving that. I even put your words in BOLD RED TYPE.

Originally Posted By: SKB

Actually you had stated first that the incident in New Zealand happened in spite of the registration of guns there. I told you guns were not registered in New Zealand. Turns out neither statement is 100% true but I was much closer than you since only 3% of the guns in New Zealand were registered at the time of the incident.

Now you are trying to tell us that your statement about no gun registration in NZ was a one-time mistake, and that I am seizing upon a simple human error.

No Stevie... I'm seizing on a simple human LIE... a LIE told by you... and repeated by YOU.

It becomes even more special as you now concoct more LIES in order to try to excuse your previous LIES

Keep flailing.

You are SOOOOO FULL of SH!T it amazes me. Still wrong, still LYING and the guns used in the attacks were NOT REGISTERED. Some semi-autos were at the time, now they all are. YOU LIE....that is why you are known as LYING kieth. One LIE after another. A bigger POS has never posted on this forum. Zero credibility and even less integrity.

I used the same term you did you putz.....simply "guns". Were you LYING or did you mean "some guns" ? Because ALL guns were not registered. By your logic you are clearly LYING when you say "guns were registered", very, very few were registered at the time.


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