Point-by point Stevie...

I have said that you said there was no gun registration in New Zealand, and I have stated it slightly differently, QUOTING your surviving words from post #544258 where you said guns are not registered in New Zealand. That is simply two ways of saying the exact same thing. But even when I have QUOTED you verbatim with post number and date, you tried to LIE to us and say that you only said that... in error... one time... in the original deleted thread, and then corrected yourself. But you absolutely said it more than once. You said it in the original thread which got deleted. You repeated it several other times in other threads that got deleted. And you said it again in your post #544258. How can you keep coming back and telling the LIE that you only said it once?

Your 3% figure came from your NY Post link which told you that your precious 3% figure was from known anti-gunner Philip Alpers.

You are using data from gun grabbers and continue to use data from gun grabbers. But you LIE again when you say it is utter bullshit that you use data from gun grabbers. You are clearly in denial about this, and even your pals can't swoop in to save you from this LIE without looking as dishonest and stupid as you.

I never once said that all guns in New Zealand were registered. I said that the Christchurch shooting happened in spite of gun registration. And that AR-15 was registered by a Special "E" Permit. Did you see the pic of the AR-15 the NZ cop was holding? Does that fit the definition of MSSA in New Zealand? He bought it only a month or so before the shooting so it fell under that law. You deny that, and you run away from that. This is like trying to reason with a severely autistic child... except that severely autistic children do not consciously tell LIES to cover their tracks. In every subsequent argument we've had since the original deleted thread, I've repeatedly stated that ALL HANDGUNS and ALL MSSA RIFLES were registered. I'd like you to show us where I changed my story. You can't because my story has not changed.

Final point... I see you are still running away from your oft-repeated lie claiming that I am unemployed and on the government dole. I thought you want us to believe you are the honest one here... but you run, run, run from that LIE like the LYING deceptive coward that you show yourself to be.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.