Originally Posted By: keith
Nothing has changed Stevie. I didn't say "Gun are registered in NZ" in that original thread. Now you are trying to put words in my mouth. I very clearly said that the shooting happened in spite of gun registration. I knew that most long guns are not registered, but that ALL handguns and ALL MSSA rifles are. That is still true... except for the MSSA guns being now banned and confiscated.

I addressed all of your LIES point by point, and your reply is simply a continuation of your denial of what you said and didn't say. I explained very clearly that you said there is no registration in the original thread. You seized upon a minor rewording that didn't change the meaning one bit, and used that to call me a liar.

You continued to repeat that statement within that original and now deleted thread, even after I informed you that ALL Handguns and ALL MSSA rifles are registered. Now you falsely claim that you said that... even after saying guns are not registered then, and numerous times after that. You repeated it in other deleted threads, and you repeated it in your post #54428. No matter how you slice it... that is more than once.

You said you only said it once... which is demonstrated to be a lie.

And it is not something that anyone would say if they were also saying that ALL HANDGUNS and ALL MSSA RIFLES are registered. You are trying to make sense of nonsense, and fact out of fiction. You are sick.

You ran away from your falsehood and mathematical impossibility where you claimed that 3% somehow equal zero, and thereby proved me wrong. Please tell us where in this universe 3% equals zero.

And again, you LIE when you say I said that you quoted Philip Alpers. What you did is provide a link to a NY Post article that provided your 3% figure which came from Philip Alpers and Gunpolicy.org. Stop twisting the truth. But no matter how you slice it, you continue to use that 3% figure which you know came from the known anti-gunner Philip Alpers and Gunpolicy.org. YOU DID NOT DIRECTLY QUOTE PHILIP ALPERS. But you posted the link with his data, and you continue to use that data.... from known anti-gunners.

And it is really interesting to see that you think there is more truth in your oft repeated LIE that I am unemployed and on the government dole, than my comments about you sub-contracting out much of the work that is done on your customers guns.

I am employed full time, over 40 hours per week, and receive no money from the government. And you do indeed farm-out gun work such as case hardening, welding, engraving, etc. You did employ a guy to do your slow rust bluing. Your admissions of those facts are still here, and I saved them, knowing how thin-skinned you are about it. I didn't say that you deceive your customers about your gun-farming. I asked you if you told them that you farm out a lot of the work, while you spend so much time here bashing Trump and so forth. But you are very good at twisting my words Stevie. Here's one recent admission from your post #551947 on 8?2/19. Most of the others are too old for you to dishonestly edit.

Originally Posted By: SKB
I hand polished this one out to remove the existing pitting, and added the sling swivels, my engraver re-cut the original engraving and added the barrel script. If I were to guess I would think either Clayton Nelson or Len Bull likely turned the integral barrel. Plenty of fire power in this old single. Case color hardening done by Classic Guns in Crete, Il.

Now... you never did tell us if you advertise your gunsmith services and gun importation services in this forum instead of the For Sale forum just to avoid paying Dave the $12.00 sales fee. I know you wouldn't want to forget addressing that point.

Exactly the kind of post that earned you the name LYING keith. One LIE after another.

Booking African hunts, firearms import services

I miss Monkey Jim.