Originally Posted By: King Brown
keith, you're educated without experience with reality, as if you hadn't moved far from your county, or you wouldn't say the things you do. My transport was clearly against the law. It happens everywhere all the time. Intent, however, is often the enforcement issue. RCMP and Customs at lowest level are allowed discretion.

A tip-off that you haven't been far or seen much is always asking for proof, asserting motives, as if such things couldn't happen. Five days missing in Cuba was front-page in Canada. Canada's military chief of staff stopped treason after the navy disclosed breach of the Official Secrets Act to me.

You either read without comprehension or twist what I say by suggesting I engaged in adultery and whoring, and that I favour a US gun registry. Canada got rid of a gun registry but favours background checks just as your House and now Trump under public pressure calling for stronger action today.

America is on my side, eh?

Ah King, you never fail to trip yourself up with your lies. So now you admit that your "transport was clearly against the law."

But when I mentioned your illegal transport of a firearm across the U.S.- Canadian border, you called me a liar for days... until I provided a QUOTE from you. Then you tried to say the firearm was a Savage model 24... as if that would make a difference to Customs or RCMP or U.S. Authorities. You gave us that bullshit line even after knowing it didn't mesh with your previous statement saying the gun in question was strictly regulated in Canada for carry and possession. I still know you would be afraid to run that story about your illegal firearms transport past Canadian Customs or the RCMP... just to see if they would overlook those transgressions because of your stated intent or knowledge.

And you still aren't man enough to apologize for inaccurately calling me a liar.

You frequently try to denigrate me by your erroneous suggestion that I haven't traveled far outside my own county. Is that why you have so frequently demanded "PROOF" from Conservatives... "PROOF" that you then ignore, and "PROOF" that you yourself never ever provide??? You instead always do this same twisting and side-stepping. So your imprisonment in Cuba was a Front Page story? Then it ought to be easy to show us a photo from that front page. Such things get saved by families, and they are always found in Newspaper archives:

See how easy that was? And there must be some evidence of all that hard work you did to overturn the Canadian Long Gun Registry. So why can't you give us anything? You know... stuff like post numbers from GunNutz or maybe some links to Halifax Daily Blotter Newspaper letters to the editor from yourself on the subject???... And that explanation of a dropped treason charge made absolutely no sense. Why don't you try again... this time in plain English instead of waffling confusing obfuscation?

Originally Posted By: King Brown
Get a life. Even a little adultery and whoring deserves empathetic understanding during war and peacekeeping. Grate too much against your patriotism?

I didn't suggest that you engaged in adultery or whoring. Please show us where I said that. It is you who is twisting now. I clearly doubted what you seemed to be suggesting... knowing of your frequent bashful "Baptist boy" statements. All of that stuff about whoring and adultery during war etc., was obviously fictitious prose meant to punctuate the bullshit about your daring reporter exploits during your very abbreviated career as a field reporter. I said that it sounded a lot like Hillary Clinton's lies about being under sniper fire as she landed in Bosnia. Did you really resign, or did they push you out because you embarrassed them with Fake News? You should apply for a job at CNN, where lies and Fake News are welcome.

Trump has talked about Background checks before, and gave hope to anti-gunners like Schumer, Pelosi, and you. But it never materialized, and he remains a much better choice than any anti-gun Democrat. I have e-mailed and called the White House and my Congressmen to tell them what I want them to do.

P.S.-- I see you are just like Stevie when it comes to explaining why you don't see any problem with him advertising his gunsmithing business, gunsmithing services, and gun importation in this forum rather than the For Sale section.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.