And here's the anti-gun Troll King Brown. King is hoping that the anti-gun Liberal left Democrats are successful in their push for Universal Background checks... yet he dishonestly claims that he helped to get rid of the Canadian Long Gun Registry.

I have no problem with Wayne LaPierre's salary. He has done a great job by growing NRA membership and keeping anti-gunners like you at bay. He has helped to expand gun rights, concealed carry, and helped to defeat the anti-gunners like Obama and Hillary Clinton. As a result, we have some strong pro-2nd Amendment Justices who interpret the Constitution as the Framers intended. I help to pay LaPierre's salary, and get a lot more bang for my buck than seeing my tax dollars spent on lavish vacations by Barack and Michelle Obama.

So who are all these Americans that were at your table questioning the activities of the NRA King? Are you imagining things and making up shit again? Was it John F.Kennedy, or Bobby, or Teddy, Jackie, or perhaps Martin Luther King? Was Fidel Castro there, perchance? You must have been ignoring all of these imaginary guests yesterday, since you spent so much time here.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.