Originally Posted By: rocky mtn bill
Our President is an opportunist. He has no guiding principles. He has no interest in gun rights. If he can gain one more vote by confiscating your Purdey, he'll do it. As for the chance of the USA going the way of Australia, we're more likely to be wiped out by an astroid. Keep sending your money to the NRA. Wayne has lots more stuff to buy.

Uh huh. Say, since Barrack knew he would be coming out of the White House a freshly minted millionaire, do you think he should have considered donating his presidential salary for the entire 8 years, just like Trump? The optics leave a bit to be desired. How ‘bout when they discovered that the typical Girl Scout had donated more than Creepy Uncle Joe had, and shamed him into letting the moths out of his billfold?

My opportunist told you what he was going to do, and did it. Your opportunist hired people to write lies about it, then, lied about it, and expected everyone to be happy with it.

Mine is better.
